Environmina Pest Control LLC

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24/7 Bed Bug Exterminator in Central Jersey

24-Hour Bed Bug Control in Central New Jersey

Save S100 off any 24-hour bed bug control in New Jersey, including 1-4 treatments and a 3-month warranty. Actual now until October 31st, 2024. Give us a call today, and make sure to mention this ad.

Looking for 24-hour bed bug control in New Jersey at an affordable price with excellent results?

At Environmina Pest Control, we offer quality services at competitive prices, including 24/7 bed bug extermination in New Jersey. Our round-the-clock bed bug treatment services cover Middlesex and surrounding areas in New Jersey. We cater to single-family homes, multi-family housing, apartments, communities, hospitals, hotels, motels, resorts, offices, shelters, prisons, and dormitories. Our treatments are highly effective and require minimal or no preparation.

Our technicians are licensed in NJ, and we are proud members of the New Jersey Pest Management Association (NJPMA) and the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). We provide smart solutions for all your pest problems, ensuring peace of mind for you and your family.

24/7 BedBug Control in Middlesex, NJ

First of all, our scientists keep track of the most recent advancements in the industry and apply and recommend the most effective treatment techniques and methodologies to your situation as recommended by the EPA. Secondly, when you set a 24/7 bed bug control-free inspection appointment, the specialist will conduct detailed inspections for your place. The team will assess various pesticides and determine the most potent protocol. Our approach relies on minimal or no preparation on your behalf. In general, we combine an array of different bed bug sprays for bed bug treatments with monitors, lures, and non-pesticide methods to eliminate bed bugs. Finally, to prevent issues such as resistance, we will alternate effective pesticides as needed. Treatments for bed bugs are highly effective.

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What You Should Know About Bed Bugs in New Jersey

Bed bugs belong to the scientific family “Climex lectularius Linnaeus”.  They are oval in shape and vary in color ranging from almost colorless to reddish-brown. They can reach a 1/4 of n inch in length and have six legs.

Life Cycle of Bed Bugs:

The adult female bed bug can lay up to 5 eggs per day, mainly in cracks, crevices, and surrounding beds. An adult female can lay up to 500 eggs in her life, which is less than a year on average. The developing bugs go through five stages before reaching maturity. A blood meal is required between each stage. As immature bed bugs develop and acquire blood meals, they become larger and darker in color. On average, a bed bug takes around two months to reach adulthood. Treatment for bed bugs helps eliminate bugs in all stages and eggs.

Where do Bedbugs hide?

Bed bugs are nocturnal insects that conduct a secretive lifestyle. As a result, bed bugs are often hard to detect. They live in cracks and crevices within bed frames, headboards, mattresses, and box springs.  However, they also will disperse away from the bed and can live in surrounding pieces of furniture and picture frames.  At nighttime,  bed bugs emerge from cracks and crevices to feed on their sleeping host. They are attracted to the host by body heat and carbon dioxide exhaled.

Bed Bug Bites:

Bed bugs have a small tube-like structure called a proboscis to pierce the skin and drink blood. On average, 1/5 of Americans have personally dealt with a bed bug infestation or know friends or family impacted by the bug. While many are concerned, Bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases. Bed bugs tend to bite in areas of exposed skin such as the face, shoulders, neck, arms, and legs. Many people do not feel the bite itself or develop symptoms other than the bite itself and minor irritations.  Others are considered hypersensitive to bites and develop more severe symptoms.

Pest Control Services in New Jersey by Environmina Pest Control

Here is the list of all pest control services we offer at Environmina Pest Control in New Jersey:

Environmina Pest Control is a dedicated company that wants to ensure 24h bed bug control in New Jersey. Please do not hesitate to call us anytime with your question or feel free to schedule an appointment today.

Have questions? Give us a call and we’ll walk you through it.
+1 848-482-0479


We offer several services to ensure that your home is pest free. Drawing from our experience in pest control, we pay special attention to the structure of each unit.


Certified licensed and experienced pest management professionals. Our experts will thoroughly assess your problem and develop the most feasible solution to address it effectively and efficiently.


Keeping your house pest free ensure a safer and healthier environment for the members of your household. Our pest control services take into consideration the safety of your family, guests and pets


Our trusted technicians will diagnose and resolve any pest problem. Contracts include a warranty period.