Environmina Pest Control LLC

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Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow Jacket Control in New Jersey

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Save S50 off any bee extermination, wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets control in Middlesex, NJ, and the surrounding area in New Jersey. Actual now until October 31st, 2024. Give us a call today, and make sure to mention this ad.

Are you worried about encountering stinging insects in your backyard or workplace? Environmina Pest Control provides bee extermination services across North, South, and Central New Jersey. 

Stinging insects encompass a wide variety, including wasps, bees, and hornets. Of course, there are many differences among bee, wasp, and hornet stings, as well as their behaviors and characteristics. 

Bees and wasps are the primary stinging insects of concern in New Jersey. While bees are furry and covered with hair, wasps are not. Bees use pollen to produce and consume honey, whereas wasps primarily feed on insects. Both are beneficial insects, yet their aggressive behavior can pose a significant threat to humans and pets.

Can you believe that stinging insects such as bees and hornets account for over 500,000 visits to doctor’s offices and emergency rooms annually? They also result in approximately 100 deaths each year. If you suspect the presence of bees or hornets in your yard, please contact Environmina Pest Control for a free inspection.

Central New Jersey Stinging insects behavior and Characteristics

Sharing characteristics with ants, bees, and wasps have six legs, chewing mouthparts, and two pairs of wings. Both bees and wasps undergo complete metamorphosis from egg to larva to pupa to adult. Some species live in huge social colonies ordered by a caste system like ants; other species live solitary lives or in an unstructured small grouping. Solitary wasps winter in ground burrows, also emerging in spring to mate and reproduce again.

Carpenter Bee Exterminator near me

Identification of New Jersey Stinging Insects

Carpenter Bees

They get their name from their habit of boring into wood. Carpenter bees cause damage to structures by drilling perfectly circular holes to create tunnels inside the wood. They are known to be wood-destroying insects in New Jersey. They are very active in spring and early summer. Unlike other common bees, such as honeybees that live in colonies, carpenter bees are not social insects and build individual nests in trees outdoors or into the frames, eaves, or sides of buildings.carpenter bees are around 1/4-1 inch long. They look similar to bumble bees in appearance, but they lack yellow markings on their abdomens. Instead, carpenter bee abdomens are smooth and shiny, whereas bumble bees have hairy, yellow abdomens.

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There are over 100,000 species of wasps, which vary in size and coloration. Generally, wasps have smooth bodies with little to no hair. Among the most aggressive species are hornets and yellow jackets, which live in large social colonies. However, some wasps, like paper wasps and cicada killers, are solitary. Wasps primarily feed on other insects and may nest in various locations such as burrows, tree cavities, under eaves, in attics or garages, or within wall voids. They may also build aerial nests.

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Paper Wasps

Paper wasps derive their common name from the paper-like material they use to construct their nests. Sometimes referred to as umbrella wasps due to the shape of their distinctive nests, these stinging insects exhibit semi-social behavior, living in small colonies without a distinct worker caste. Paper wasps resemble yellow jackets but are typically slimmer, featuring a thin ‘waist’ and six long legs. They measure almost 5/8 to 3/4 of an inch in length and are predominantly brown with some yellow coloration.
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European Hornet

Also known as the giant or brown hornet, the European hornet earned its common name after being introduced to the New York area from Europe in the 1800s. Compared to yellow jackets, European hornets are notably larger and can remain active at night. Adults of this species typically measure between 3/4 and 1 1/2 inches in length. They feature brown bodies with yellow stripes on their abdomens and pale faces. Possessing two pairs of wings and six legs, European hornets are characterized by their elongated bodies and antennae. They commonly nest in hollow trees, attics, porches, and wall voids.
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Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are a type of wasp that belong to the genus Vespula and Dolichovespula. They are known for their black and yellow striped bodies and their aggressive behavior, especially when their nests are disturbed. Yellow jackets are social insects that live in colonies, with each colony consisting of a queen, male drones, and female workers. They are commonly found in North America and can be a nuisance to humans, especially during the late summer and early fall when their populations are at their highest.
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Learn More about Bees Waps Yellow Jacket Extermination by Environmina Pest Control:

Does Environmina pest control treat honey bees?

Currently, Environmina Pest Control does not treat honey bees or remove their nest. Honey Bees are protected in many states, including New Jersey. If you have a honey bee nest on your property, we encourage you to find a responsible honey beekeeper experienced in removing the nest.

What Are the Differences Between a Wasp vs Yellow Jacket?

Wasps and yellow jackets are members of the Hymenoptera order, but there are some critical differences between the two. Wasps tend to have slender bodies with narrow waists, while yellow jackets have thicker, more robust bodies. Yellow jackets are more aggressive and likely to sting, while wasps are generally more docile. Yellow jackets are more likely to build their nests in the ground, while wasps tend to build their nests in trees or buildings. Yellow jackets are more likely to build their nests in the ground, while wasps tend to build their nests in trees or buildings.

What Are the Differences Between a Yellow Jacket vs Hornet?

Yellow jackets are a type of wasp that are black and yellow and have a more slender body than hornets. Hornets are larger and have a more rounded body shape, with black and white or black and yellow stripes. Both yellow jackets and hornets are more aggressive than other types of wasps and can sting multiple times.

What Does a Yellow Jacket Nest Look Like?

Yellow jacket homes or nests are typically made of paper-like material and can be found in various locations such as underground, in trees, or buildings. Sometimes, you may see the actual NES, but you will often see only an entry point. They can range in size from a golf ball to a basketball and house hundreds or thousands of yellow jackets. Hiring a professional to remove a yellow jacket home or nest is essential, as they can be aggressive and dangerous.

Bald-Faced Hornet

Bald Face Hornet Exterminator in New Jersey
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Have questions? Give us a call and we’ll walk you through it.
+1 848-482-0479

What Does a Bald-Faced Hornet Nest Look Like?

Depending on the hornet species, bald-faced hornet nests come in various shapes and sizes. However, all hornet nests are made from paper-like material created by the hornets. This material is made from chewed-up wood fibers mixed with saliva, which is then molded into the shape of the nest. The nests are typically gray or brown and have a papery texture. They can be round, oval, or football-shaped and range in size from a few inches to several feet. Inside the nest are multiple layers of cells where the hornets lay their eggs and raise their young.

Exploring Pest Control Services for Bees, Wasps, and Hornets in Central NJ

Our extermination process begins with a comprehensive inspection conducted by one of our licensed pest control experts, who will visit your home or office to locate the bees, wasps, or hornets. Following this assessment, they will devise a recommended treatment plan to initiate extermination. Additionally, we prioritize informing you of any contributing physical factors or issues that may need addressing. By employing a combination of physical and chemical control methods, we strive to achieve optimal results in pest management. For detailed information and pricing on our bee, wasp, and hornet extermination services, please contact Environmina Pest Control.