Tick Control & Fleas exterminator near me
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Tick Control Services & fleas exterminator near me
Save S50 off any Ticks Control Services in Middlesex NJ and Surrounding area or fleas exterminator near me. Now-August 31, 2024. Please call us at 848-482-0479 and mention this ad.
Why do we need Ticks Control Services?
As per the CDC, Local tick species have been linked as vectors of many diseases which threaten human health. Ticks are carried into our yards by mice, squirrels, rabbits, and also by birds, deer, and raccoons. They wait for the chance to stick themselves onto humans and pets in search for blood. Ticks need blood which contains a protein that is essential in their development. Adult female ticks will find suitable areas to nest and reproduce, laying thousands of eggs from which larvae emerge. The most active times of the year for tick activity are in the early Spring and in Fall. However, a tick bite will be possible at any time in between. With cases of Lyme and other dangerous tick born disease on the rise, control is a necessity. Please call our licensed and experienced technicians at Environmina Pest Control to protect your family against Tick borne diseases.
What is a Tick?
Ticks are tiny arachnids, eight-legged bloodsuckers related to spiders and mites. They latch onto warm-blooded animals, including humans, and feed on their blood for several days before detaching. While they’re usually painless when attached, ticks in New Jersey can be dangerous because they can transmit a variety of diseases through their bite.
New Jersey is home to several tick species, including the infamous:
- Blacklegged Tick (deer tick): This tick is notorious for carrying Lyme disease, the most common tick-borne illness in the US.
- American Dog Tick: This common tick transmits Rocky Mountain spotted fever, a serious bacterial illness.
- Lone Star Tick: The bite of this tick can cause a red, meaty allergy bump at the bite site, in addition to transmitting diseases like ehrlichiosis.
These diseases can cause a range of symptoms, from fever, chills, and fatigue to muscle aches, joint pain, and even neurological problems. Left untreated, some tick-borne illnesses can lead to serious health complications.
How Can Environmina help you with Ticks control near you?
Have questions? Give us a call and we’ll walk you through it.
+1 848-482-0479
We offer several services to ensure that your home is pest free. Drawing from our experience in pest control, we pay special attention to the structure of each unit.
Certified licensed and experienced pest management professionals. Our experts will thoroughly assess your problem and develop the most feasible solution to address it effectively and efficiently.
Keeping your house pest free ensure a safer and healthier environment for the members of your household. Our pest control services take into consideration the safety of your family, guests and pets
Our trusted technicians will diagnose and resolve any pest problem. Contracts include a warranty period.